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Granules resource examples

Quickly get a project started with any of our examples related to the granules resource.

Simple example

The following example shows how to query the OpenSearch service with the granules result, and how to efficently parse the results. Don’t forget to add the logic regarding the paging.

# Import XML Parser, urllib, and shapely geometry
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import urllib.request
import shapely.geometry as SG

# Helper to parse coordinates from raw string to array of points
def parse_coordinates(raw_str):
    ret = []
    coords = raw_str.split()
    n = len(coords)
    for i in range(0, n, 2):
        ret.append([float(coords[i]), float(coords[i+1])])
    return ret

# Consts
datasetId = "scatsat1_l2b_knmi"  # s1a_wv_ocn, argo_cycles, jason3_igdr ...
timeStart = "1000-01-01T00:00:00Z"
timeEnd = "2200-01-01T23:59:59Z"
geoBox = "-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0"
startPage = "0"
count = "2"
server = "opensearch.ifremer.fr"
protocol = "https"
resource = "granules"
output_format = "atom"

# Get URL associated contents as string, and print HTTP status code
uri = protocol + "://" + server + "/" + resource + "." + output_format + "?datasetId=" + datasetId\
  + "&startPage=" + startPage + "&count=" + count\
  + "&timeStart=" + timeStart + "&timeEnd=" + timeEnd + "&geoBox=" + geoBox
response = urllib.request.urlopen(uri)
status_code = response.getcode()
print("HTTP STATUS CODE = " + str(status_code))
contents = response.read()

# Sep

# Parse XML as ElementTree elements
root = ET.fromstring(contents)

# Foreach Atom entry..
for entry in root.findall('./{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}entry'):
    # Print the Atom title
    title = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}title')
    print(r'GRANULE : ' + title.text)
    # Parse the Geometry as shapely.geometry
    shapely = None
    complex_geometry = entry.find('{http://www.georss.org/georss/10}where')
    if complex_geometry is not None:
        multi_polygon = complex_geometry.find('./{http://www.opengis.net/gml}MultiPolygon')
        if multi_polygon is not None:
            polygons = []
            # Build complex MultiPolygon
            for gmlPosList in complex_geometry.findall(
            shapely = SG.MultiPolygon(polygons)
            # Build complex MultiLineString
            multi_curve = complex_geometry.find('./{http://www.opengis.net/gml}MultiCurve')
            if multi_curve is not None:
                line_strings = []
                for gmlPosList in complex_geometry.findall(
                shapely = SG.MultiLineString(line_strings)
                raise ValueError('A geometry value was incorrect (1).')
        # Build simple Point
        geoPoint = entry.find('{http://www.georss.org/georss/10}point')
        if geoPoint is not None :
            point = geoPoint.text.split()
            shapely = SG.Point(float(point[0]), float(point[1]))
            # Build simple Polygon
            geoPolygon = entry.find('{http://www.georss.org/georss/10}polygon')
            if geoPolygon is not None :
                shapely = SG.Polygon(parse_coordinates(geoPolygon.text))
                # Build simple Line
                geoLine = entry.find('{http://www.georss.org/georss/10}line')
                if geoLine is not None :
                    shapely = SG.LineString(parse_coordinates(geoLine.text))
                    raise ValueError('A geometry value was incorrect (2).')
    # Print the resulting Geometry object
    # Print granules URIs
    for link in entry.findall('./{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}link'):
        attr = link.attrib
        print(r'PROTOCOL("' + attr.get(r'title') + '") -> ' + attr.get(r'href'))
    # Sep